

I'm Heather - lifestyle photographer & homeschooling mama. We choose simple and slow. Freedom and fresh air. And I like to make things beautiful.

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Joslyn X Block 16 | Omaha, Nebraska

Joslyn X Block 16 | Omaha, Nebraska

Summer is almost here! Last Wednesday was cloudy and warm, perfect for a play date at the Joslyn Art Museum. Milo and Alice hopped about for a bit while we waited for cousin Mila and Aunt Christie, playing ring around the rosie and trying not to giggle too loud - it is a museum after all.

Together we went down to Art Works where kids can play, create, and build. They had interactive screens to paint on, a stop-motion animation center (Alice made two little movies), a glowing tower with colorful shapes to interlock, a still-life drawing station, curiosity corner, and the chance to draw patterns on a Greek pot. And it's all blessedly free. Thanks, Joslyn!

Once we had our fill indoors, we went to the sculpture garden to climb about before parting. The kids loved hanging off of the colorful metal arches, inching up just to slide down again.

Play time turned into lunch time as we picked up daddy from work to get Block 16 takeout (poutine burrito and gangsta fries...holla!). We laid our quilt out at the Gene Leahy Mall park and watched the ducks and geese mull about while clouds sailed overhead. Alice and Milo meandered and climbed, peeping over into the water where some mallards were swimming about, the downtown skyline framing our picnic. 

Thanks, Omaha! We sure love all our adventures on your playground of a city. Let's do that again soon, okay?

Day in the life of...

Day in the life of...

Sunshine Storytime

Sunshine Storytime