

I'm Heather - lifestyle photographer & homeschooling mama. We choose simple and slow. Freedom and fresh air. And I like to make things beautiful.

Let’s be friends?

Alice & the Apron

Alice & the Apron

A couple of months ago at Junkstock, The Girls (Gramma Jo, Aunt Lynnie, Alice and I) wandered the dusty, windy rows of tents full of relics from bygone eras and treasures galore. The only ones of much interest to me were vintage attire and we came across the most darling find! The Hunter Gatherer Shop was hiding the perfect gem of an apron in just Alice's size, and for $5 it absolutely had to come live with us. (The Hunter Gatherer Shop is currently running 30% off and is acquiring new finds so check them out!)

Here is Alice, mixing old and new, with 15 faces of adorableness. 

Enjoy :)

Strawberry Patch

Strawberry Patch

May | 2016

May | 2016