

I'm Heather - lifestyle photographer & homeschooling mama. We choose simple and slow. Freedom and fresh air. And I like to make things beautiful.

Let’s be friends?

Not A Box

It's Not A Box!

Daddy ordered a terribly fun book the other day and we have been enjoying it thoroughly ever since. (Alice likes to read it about 6 times in a row.) With a stroke of serendipity, the anniversary present JD gave me arrived in a great big box a few days after the book, so I went to town with the box cutter and tape and handed the markers over to Alice for decorating our Not A Box :)

It's a castle. It's a house. It's a car. It's a submarine. It's a rocket ship. It's a fort. It's a boat. It's a bus.

"To children everywhere sitting in cardboard boxes..."

Now go play in your Not A Box!

Milo & the Sugar Snap Peas

Painting Makeover | A Forest Becomes Enchanted