I've been aching to do a fun little painting this Spring on an old canvas I built and stretched back in college and finally got the inspiration and motivation to get out my paints and play.
A few Pinterest images that jolted my creative mood were:

via ApartmentTherapy & LiveLoveDIY
I loved the splashes and patches of color and gold with a creamy parchment color overlay.
I have never used gold leaf before, but my preferred method of going gold is with spray paint - so easy! (Fumes, though, are no fun - do it outside.) Also, I'm convinced everyone needs to have a can of gold spray paint for whatever random project strikes your fancy. I go through 2 or 3 cans a year.
First, I applied molding paste in pretty strokes and then sprayed patches of gold.
Next came all of the fun colors I wanted to use
This has a lot of layers. After the initial gold, I painted the colors, then white to push back the boundaries of the color patches, and then gold again, and then more colors, and then more creamy white, and then one more layer of colors. I did a lot of dry brushing to blur things and impressionistic dabs here and there to sprinkle color throughout. You can also see that I decided to go horizontal instead of vertical.
And here it is, centered on the new playroom gallery wall!
my 1st-grade silhouette on the far left :)
mama-Alice collaboration
Feels so nice to finally fill up that wall!