Alice the Soon-to-be-Preschooler is ready to make new friends and play in groups!
Am I ready? Yes. Yes, I am. She is just so ready for preschool that I can't help but share her excitement. Our little girl will be three this summer and can certainly hold her own in any conversation - regardless of age. The only thing we'll have to work on is getting her potty trained. She knows how to perfectly well, she just prefers not to - beyond frustrating!
But with a look at a preschool open house to motivate her, along with the new backpack we gave her for Christmas, I think she'll own it soon enough.
the inside is as cute as the outside
leap frog books, Bagu bag with a spare change of clothes, and a little container with a cheerio break
Alice, you are such a big little person! I'm so proud of how you keep growing. I have to remember that we're basically raising you to leave us - sad at first, but also incredibly empowering to know that we get this special time to shape and teach and love you. This will be just one of the many learning experiences you will have.
Sure do love you, your imagination, and your excitement to make even more friends.
p.s. Backpack is Herschel Supply Co. found here. We only gave her four gifts for Christmas: something you wear, something you read, something you want, something you need. This was the "wear" gift :) And I love that she carries all of her own special things now, instead of adding them to the diaper bag! Win-win for both of us...